Made in France" truck GPS navigation designed for professionals and vehicle fleets

Equipping your truck fleet with a high-performance truck GPS application not only offers you many advantages, but also those of your drivers:
Build driver loyalty:

Equipping a driver with a tool adapted to his job is not a luxury. Give your drivers the right tools and help them increase their efficiency and reach your quality targets.

Route optimization :

NavXL takes into account restrictions specific to heavy goods vehicles, such as weight limits, height restrictions, restricted access roads, etc. This allows you to optimize routes and avoid delays due to unsuitable routes.

Cost reduction:

By optimizing routes and eliminating route preparation time, fleet managers reduce fuel, toll and truck maintenance costs, while maximizing vehicle and driver utilization.

Improved safety:

NavXL truck GPS ensures safer driving by clearly showing the driver the right route for his truck's size. The driver can then concentrate on the real dangers of the road, rather than looking for restriction signs. NavXL even issues an alert if the truck is forced onto an impassable road.

Improved customer service:

Efficient navigation enables drivers to meet delivery deadlines, thus improving customer service.

Simplified fleet management:

By integrating NavXL into their fleet management systems, managers can streamline operations, automate administrative tasks and obtain valuable data for analysis and ongoing optimization.

NavXL: Professional truck GPS application used by many truck fleets.